When a new manager is promoted or hired there is a lot to think about. Firstly, you want to ensure the success of your business as well. At hindsight, you may think they may be an excellent employee with a potential for leadership. But this doesn’t guarantee that they’ll be a great manager as they were a regular employee.
Secondly, a lot of people may not realise how difficult the transition is. Many do not realise this until they’re already doing the job. Also, as managers, they realise they would no longer be responsible for their own work. The soon find out they are also responsible for the success of the whole team too. Critically, they see that they have new responsibilities. And finally, they come to terms with the fact coworkers they once worked with now look to them for direction.
Additionally, unprepared new managers with no support from the company could lead to underperformance. Also, the team along with the organisation itself could suffer from its negative impact.
Notably, before these first-time managers even get started, organisations should attempt to help them. That is, make the transition into leadership easier with a formal mentoring program. Fundamentally, you need to provide your next manager with training from a good mentor. That is, one who is willing take them under their wing and show them the ropes. But also, one that will listen and support them throughout their development to ensure the future of your team.
However, guiding the development of someone in a managerial position requires a different method than coaching an entry-level staffer. Here are some ways you can effectively mentor your next manager to their best performance.
Teach Lessons You’ve Already Learned
Every first-time manager is bound to make mistakes during the period where they’re just learning the ropes. As someone with more experience on the job, you’ve already been there. You’ve already learned how to deal with the management dilemmas that your mentees are just encountering for the first time.
As a mentor, make a point to ask them about the challenges they’re facing. Take a moment to think about all the lessons you’ve learned and coached them through their struggles. Ultimately, managing other people isn’t easy. So lending a helping hand along the way would help them avoid common mistakes. Additionally, it will accelerate their development as a leader.
Regular Communication
In an industry that needs teamwork and interaction, a manager with knowledge and experience is no longer enough. That is, more is needed to ensure the success of your team and company as a whole. Crucially, managers should also learn the importance of strong communication.
Fundamentally, a manager that could demonstrate effective communication, whether it’s written or verbal, is more likely to become a good leader. And also a strong problem solver. All of these skills are essential for the communication processes of a workplace.
Communicate Clearly
If they fail to work on this skill of effective communication, they might lack the credibility to implement the organisation’s objectives. More over, they might struggle to rally workers behind them.
But new managers might still be learning how to communicate successfully. This is where mentors step in to take the lead, And it is through this unique relationship, teach them how to communicate effectively. New managers would learn from your example. But also, know how to incorporate it in their interactions with their own team members.
Additionally, people might be usually busy in the office, but mentors should give time to observe the new manager. They need to have a quick and casual chat where they would be able to offer support and encouragement easily. Basically, this provides the mentees with practice and understanding. It gives them a template on how to build relationships. That is, ones that are necessary for making alliances and communicating throughout all levels of the organisation.
Prepare them on Keeping Composure
As a leader, managers need to show more composure than ever before in the workplace. The attitude they demonstrate as they approach different issues and situations, and the way they carry themselves will be picked up by the team. So if there’s ever a lapse in composure, it would result to a negative effect on the workplace culture. And basically, this will eventually hurt your business.
Managers who lack control with their emotions and respond poorly to trouble would make employees believe that it’s okay to do the same. Self-awareness is closely tied to professionalism, and when your employees don’t have it, there would be no success.
But no one is expected to become an emotionless robot. Emotions are part of being human, and in this environment with stressful situations such as handling an angry customer, it’s easy to lose to your feelings. It can be difficult to always keep your composure, but your management team needs to learn to control themselves.
Before handing over the reins, mentors should show their successors the importance of being in-tune with themselves. That is, to handle those feelings and still do the right thing as the leader regardless of what you’re feeling. Teaching your manager to communicate effectively and remain calm in stressful situations will prepare them with handling complex and delicate situations.
Discuss Quality Decisions
Decisions play an important role in ensuring the organisation’s objectives or goals are achieved. It’s the manager’s responsibility to make decisions and solve problems by evaluating the situation. And also by considering alternative choices and then going through with the necessary actions.
As they grow into their career and gain more responsibilities, decision making becomes increasingly challenging. Managers eventually have to be involved in difficult decisions including hiring, firing and promoting. A lot of new and eager managers make decisions too quickly and hastily to make an impact. But they might encounter moral dilemmas where their choices aren’t black and white.
Helping your next manager improve their decision-making skills is an essential part of their development as a manager. During their one on one meetings, mentors should have a serious conversation with managers reporting to them about this. In these conversations, the consequences of their decisions to the organisation must be clarified to make them realise that they need to think through their actions.
Furthermore, ensure that they feel like they could approach their mentors or other more experienced leaders in the company when they need. Especially for when they are seeking advice to reach a decision or if the problem is too much to handle.
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