The Art Of Setting The Right Price

The Art Of Setting The Right Price

One of the secrets of a successful and profitable business is the right pricing of the products. When done correctly, product pricing can improve your sales performance, creating the foundation for a business that will prosper in the long run. Otherwise, get your...
Get To The Point When Selling Over The Phone

Get To The Point When Selling Over The Phone

Brevity is an important aspect of any time constricted business interaction such as sales. However, with the myriad of distractions here and there, it can be challenging for sales agents to focus and just get to the point when selling over the phone. There are...
Spring Cleaning Your Business

Spring Cleaning Your Business

Spring cleaning is a term which means a thorough cleaning of a house or a room. It is a tiring task, but highly necessary nonetheless. In the business context, spring cleaning means revisiting the basics of your business, improving what is working and fixing what is...
Emotional Contracting In Business

Emotional Contracting In Business

The changing landscape of today’s workplace and social translucence requires businesses to redefine their concept of doing business and maintaining relationships. In this context, the emotional contract – also known as psychological contract – has taken on critical...