Negotiation Training
Negotiation Training
It’s often said that great leaders are brilliant negotiators. But how does one become an effective negotiator? That is, a negotiator with results. On-the-job experience certainly plays a role, but for most executives, taking their negotiation skills to the next level requires outside negotiation training.
Designed to accelerate your negotiation capabilities, our Negotiation Training and Leadership Program examines core decision-making challenges, analyses complex negotiation scenarios, as well as provides a range of competitive and cooperative negotiation strategies.
So, whether or not you are an experienced executive or an up-and-coming manager – working in the private or public sector – a Healthy Business Builder coach will help you sharpen your negotiation skills, including how to shape important deals and negotiate in uncertain environments. In addition, the negotiation training will focus on improving working relationships, teach you how to claim (and create) more value, as well as arm you with the tools to resolve seemingly intractable disputes. In short, HBB can prepare you to achieve better outcomes at the table, every single time.
Our negotiation training workshops are in-depth, one-day sessions that address tough negotiation problems, as well as teaching how to make better managerial and financial decisions, learning the art of saying no, and determining when to negotiate (and when to walk away). If you’d like to improve your negotiation and decision-making skills, I encourage you to contact us. But be warned, the workshops are distinctively left-of-centre, hard work, loads of fun, and very, very different. Not for the uninterested.
Outcomes from our Negotiation Training include:
- Increased profitability, notably research calculates that more than 5% of operating costs can be saved through better negotiation techniques and delivery skill.
- Improved confidence as well as effective negotiation capability for each individual in the training, especially in the face of complex or high pressure corporate situations.
- The ability to have ownership over the negotiation, that is, to be able to control the approach and improve the profit outcome and ultimately steer the entire negotiation process.
- The skills to identify and handle negotiation tactics regularly used by buyers, so that you can tailor bespoke approaches to different trading psychologies.
- Develop knowledge of how to trade across a complex range of concessions, that is, not relying on price.
- The ability to differentiate between the “covert” and “overt” positioning of the other parties to aid in recognition of real business needs, such as helping to manage conflict as well as develop skills to overcome barriers and ultimately, secure the deal.
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Healthy Business Builder is part of the HBB Group. And when you engage with us you have complete access to a range of services to grow your staff and business with definite ROI and results.

“Speech is silver, but silence is golden” is a fitting quote to describe one of the most powerful tactics in negotiation, which is, well, silence.
One of the key aspects of negotiation is that both parties need a “footing” for a negotiation to take place. To find if the other person’s footing is really solid as they would like you to believe, you need to be silent! But so many people find this awkward.
Silence is an effective way to gauge the other person’s confidence in their position. You see, many people are uncomfortable with silence and will often fill the air with meaningless talk. However, silence, when used in negotiation, always requires a response.
To better understand how silence can give you leverage in negotiation, let’s use a scenario.
Let’s assume an outbound sales agent negotiating with a client via the phone. The call was going well when suddenly it came to a screeching halt. The sales agent had proposed a sales deal and rather than a quick response, the client didn’t respond.
Faced with silence from the other end of the line, this sales agent had a decision to make. This deadlock situation can only be broken by speaking first and taking back the proposal, or the agent could hold his/her ground and wait as long as it took for the other side to respond. Choosing the latter, the agent waited long enough so that the other party would crack first. Finally, after a long pause, the client responded, eventually agreeing to the proposed deal.
Right Proposition + Silence: Success
As negotiators, we can’t deny the fact that our words are our greatest weapon to tip the balance to our advantage. We communicate our position through words, argue with words, and move our way through the negotiation phase using words. The words never seem to stop coming.
However, if a period of silence shows up during negotiation, both sides tend to feel uncomfortable and restless. We simply don’t know what to do with it. But if you start seeing silence as a tool, you will be able to turn the negotiation tables in your favour.
When a period of silence happens, the other person will start to talk again hoping to win the upper-hand with their unrelenting talks. The result of this talking is that they may end up revealing too much or even backtracking to their original position.
The Real World
In negotiations that take place in real world, you need to learn to look calm and confident. Smile at the other party, review your notes and stay engaged through body language and body contact. At some point, the other party may have no choice but to buy some time and go somewhere else for a while to focus. Whatever their choice, give silence a chance.
And if the roles are reversed you have the right to be silent. Instead of striking back with a half-baked, badly thought through an answer, learn to be comfortable with silence. “I’m thinking this through”, “I’d like to explore this idea, give me a minute” or “I’ll get back to you.” will help buy you time.
Silence has to be practiced and refined in negotiation training. Training helps you measure your adeptness to silence; then develop the skills to use it subtly and effectively through role plays and critical incidents. Negotiation training is the best way to simulate situations and develop awareness, confidence, and mechanisms for handling silence.
Learning to stay silent is easy to use tactic and can be the most powerful tool when used right in the hands of a skilled negotiator. Remember: The less you talk, the deeper, enigmatic and powerful you look.
Use one of our Executive Coaches or have us train your Leadership Team the art of professional negotiation.
Sydney Head Office: Suite 404, 128 Military Rd Neutral Bay NSW Australia 2089.
Melbourne Office: Suite 2, 432 Smith Street Collingwood Victoria Australia 3066.