DISC Profiling

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DISC Profiling | The Approach

Our authenticity and approach to training is unique. And, unlike many in this market who look to complicate the subject, our DISC Practitioners teach people how to communicate more effectively,. That is, without the need for a PhD in psychology.

Firstly, our training is designed to help people gain a much better understanding of themselves. Secondly, it also reveals the impact that their behaviour and communication style has on others. Thirdly, we explore what makes people tick. And then based on this knowledge, show them how to achieve significantly better outcomes. This is achieved by becoming more flexible and adaptable in their approach to others.

As a matter if fact, the HBB Group’s DISC Profiling and Debrief Workshops are unlike anything you may have experienced before! Indeed, they are knowledge rich and activity high (even virtually). Moreover, you finish with an instruction manual for life!


Why Use DISC Profiling?

To begin with, DISC Profiling gives you an understanding of how you are perceived by others. But more so – it gives you a language, a set of terms if you will, to discuss your behaviour. And it also looks at your communication, style of working and reactions to others.

In effect, it is the ultimate ‘mirror on the wall’ that explains what everyone else sees. Consequently, it identifies the surface level of who you are – your behaviour.

Assuredly, DISC Profiling is used by an estimated 75% of the Fortune 500. This is because of its value to organisations. Basically, it ensures all departments have the right mix of people to deliver the company’s objectives.

Additionally, DISC continues to be the most popular choice for professional development. As a result, it is also huge in recruitment and selection circles. In essence, with DISC Profiling and followed up with a Debrief Workshop, your team is armed with the knowledge to “read” their customers. But more so, it also gives them the tools to also read their colleagues, as well as – themselves!

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or email: info@hbbausgroup.com.au | Healthy Business Builder is part of the HBB Group. And when you engage with us you have complete access to a range of services to grow your staff and business with definite ROI and results.



Healthy Business Builder is part of the HBB Group. And when you engage with us you have complete access to a range of services to grow your staff and business with definite ROI and results.


Considering DISC Profiling for your Organisation?

Are you thinking of DISC profiling for your organisation? If so, we would love to show you our sample reports that breakdown the behaviour of each employee with amazing accuracy.

As you can see, this type of objective assessment helps to determine jobs fit for your selected candidates. Additionally, it also provides tips and tricks for Leaders to manage their teams. Likewise, it provides a great model for personal development in area of sales, customer service, communication, team building and more.

As a result, choosing to profile candidates and employees is something that top companies globally participate in. And we can help you in the same way. That is, by implementing an assessment based talent management strategy, regardless of your organisation’s size.


Global DISC Profiling and Testing

Assuredly, Healthy Business Builder works with APAC’s leading provider of DISC Profiling tools. Firstly, we have worked with many Organisational Development Professionals to help them access the right tools to reach their organisational goals. Secondly, the Success Insights Suite uses a powerful set of tools for selecting and developing managing people. As a result, this process maximise their performance and in turn productivity. Ultimately, it helps organisations achieve true ROI from the valuable investment they put into their people and their development.


What is the Theory?

To begin with, the theory behind DISC Profiling was developed by William Moulton Marston to categorise behaviour and emotions. Years later, the theory was shaped into the assessment that is used today. Simply stated, DISC profiling measures how we behave and communicate. Convincingly, one of the most powerful things about DISC Profiling is the fact that people identify with the report almost immediately! Equally, people instantly recognise themselves in the profile. But, the real value comes from using this information to understand how to adapt to be more effective at work as well as in life.


“Simply stated, DISC is a universal language for behaviour”


Basically, the model has four factors based on two intersecting axes. Firstly, there is the vertical axis, which ranges from “task/goal” focused behaviours to “people/relationship” focused behaviours. Secondly, there is the horizontal axis, that ranges from “reserved” (or “ask/listen”) behaviours to “outgoing” (or “tell/talk”) behaviours. With these two intersecting axis, four quadrants emerge. That is how we deal with:

  • Dominance (D) – problems and challenges
  • Influence (I) – people and contacts
  • Steadiness (S) – pace and consistency of the environment
  • Compliance (C) – procedures and constraints


“The most powerful thing about DISC is its simplicity”


We all have some degree of each of the four behavioural styles (i.e. we are not just one type/style). Whether an individual measures “high” or “low” on the D, I, S or C spectrum, the behaviours are still recognisable on the surface. Most people have two dominant styles. However any combination is possible.


Why DISC is NOT a Personality Test

The DISC profile only looks at a small component of personality. It only measures behaviour. That is, the four common ways that people tend to act and communicate. Assuredly, this has been validated by more than 50 years of research. Calling the DISC profile a ‘personality test’ is misleading, That is because there is a great deal to an individual’s personality beyond the scope of this system. Additionally, the term ‘test’ implies you will pass or fail, which is not the case with the DISC profile.


Training Solutions

Our DISC training solutions can be grouped in four main categories:

  1. Sales
  2. Management
  3. Leadership
  4. Motivation


Key DISC Training Benefits:

1. Build Trust: 

Trust is the most valuable resource that a leader has. While there are many factors that will build or erode trust. But it is a strong leader that can recognises and responds to others’ effectively. That is through their preferred method of communication and approach to work. This results in the Leader being in a much better position to gain the commitment of those around them.

2. Better Communication:

Understand the best (and worst) ways to communicate with each team member or customer.

3. Team Synergy: 

Team members will develop a better awareness of each other’s communication. And best of all, an understanding of their manager’s work style as well. By being able to predict other people’s natural responses to situations, they can learn how to adapt to the situation themselves.

4. Self-Awareness:

Help the leader understand how their behavioural tendencies might be perceived by others in the team (particularly those of the opposite style).

5. Assign Tasks/Clients:

Understand which people are better behaviourally suited, to certain types of tasks, or certain types of people.

6. Prevent Conflict/Misunderstandings:

The DISC model helps to reduce team conflict. This is achieved by providing a common language to discuss behavioural tendencies. This is particularly important to those with opposite styles.

7. Feedback is Validated:

Team members will more readily accept negative feedback about their behaviour from a computerised assessment than from their manager or another individual.


A Typical DISC Workshop Facilitated by one of our Specialist DISC Accredited Coaches covers:

1. Understanding DISC.
2. How to get the maximum benefit from your profile.
3. Building team cohesion and synergy.
4. Creating a platform for effective communication with results.
5. Understanding the strengths each member brings to the team.


Sample DISC Report Downloads

Infographics of DISC Explained.

Images thanks to our DISC partners TTI Success Insights.

DISC SMART | Your Leadership Planning Tool

Outstandingly, the Healthy Business Builder Group has developed a new world first DISC SMART™ Report. Reportedly, it is the perfect companion to your team’s DISC report. Basically, it allows you to focus on each individual team member. More so, it creates a working document that can be used as a development plan for your team. 

Initially, your first action is to sit with your team member and run through their complete DISC report. This includes addressing communication styles, motivators and management styles.

Secondly, when you both have addressed the differing behaviour styles, as well as communication methods, you can now use the Report to coach and develop each team member.

With this process, you will always stay ahead with your team and their performance level. Ultimately, it is best optimised with a DISC SMART™ Leadership Action Plan.

For now, if you’d like to discuss anything DISC related, or you may have new employees you would like to profile, please contact us today. We have accredited DISC Specialists on hand to talk to you.

ACCURACY | All Our Australian DISC Specialists are Accredited ‘TTI Success Insights’ Multi Science Trained Professionals.


Call: 1300 833 574 | SMS: 0481 965 405 | Email: info@hbbausgroup.com.au


Sydney Head Office: Suite 404, 128 Military Rd Neutral Bay NSW Australia 2089.
Melbourne Office: Suite 2, 432 Smith Street Collingwood Victoria Australia 3066.


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