12 Tips for Overcoming Your Fear of Change at Work

After the intense stresses, both physical and psychological, of suffering from a Covid infection and/or from Long Covid , it can be tough to get back to work. You may still be struggling with returning to Face to Face or Hybrid work environments. A word of reassurance. Although it is hard at first, many people improve with time. And, most organisations are accommodating of the difficulty we are all facing with Return to Work now back in full force.


Returning to work is part of the recovery even if it must be flexible or phased. The pandemic has been a hard time for employers, too. They have had to rapidly change how work is organised. That is, to make the environment safe for workers and customers. They have been struggling with the number of people off sick. The pandemic has also seen large numbers working remotely or shut their doors completely.

All of these Return to Work factors have a long-term impact. Employers need to prioritise their core business needs as well as their employees’ health and wellbeing.


When it comes to what’s causing this sense of trepidation, there could be several factors.

After so many months of working from home or remotely, many people that have come to us say they are worried about the potential impact returning to the office may have on their work-life balance.

Your mental health responsibilities at work | Comcare

Additionally, although vaccinations have seen recovery rates from Covid increase, some have expressed concern about how going back to work could put their physical health at risk. And especially when adding in elements such as commuting and working in a busy office.

But there are several things workers and employers can do to help make the transition a smooth one. Here are 5 Tips on How to Ease the Return to Work.


For many people, one of the biggest stresses about returning to the workplace is the fear of the unknown.

Things may have changed in terms of ways of working, and knowing what new rules and restrictions have been implemented may be a cause of concern.

Seeking out your company’s return to work policy is a great place to start. So too is reaching out to the HR team to update you on any changes. That way you’ll know what to expect before you return to work. Consequently, this will significantly allay some of your fears before you go back.

return to work



If the return to work policy hasn’t answered all of your questions, the next step is to talk to your manager.

Potential options you may be able to explore may include flexible working arrangements, starting later or earlier to avoid busy commuting times, or even more of a permanent approach to working from home.

A number of companies have introduced some form of working from home as a result of the pandemic. Even if your employer hasn’t formally rolled out a remote working policy, it could still be an option as part of their workplace inclusion protocols. In the conversation, start by listing your main concerns, and use examples from the last 16 months to demonstrate how a more permanent shift to remote working won’t hinder, but in fact enhance your productivity.

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Going back to work will undoubtedly be a big change. However, change isn’t always a bad thing.

Although getting used to the change in routine may be a challenge, there are definitely some positives that will come out of the situation.

Whether it’s seeing people in person that you haven’t been in the same room with since the pandemic began, or being more physically active having to commute again, or working in a more collaborative environment, returning to the office might have a number of advantages you hadn’t previously considered.

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Even with the potential benefits mentioned above, getting back into the new swing of office life could take some time.

It’s therefore important not to put too much pressure on yourself, or to feel guilty that returning to the workplace is taking longer for you to get used to than your colleagues. Many people have come to us expressing they felt this concern, so it’s clear that you aren’t alone in your worries. Despite how it may seem on the surface.

If your office has already put in place a hybrid work setup, try going in once or twice a week. Or whatever you feel comfortable with, until you’re asked to return full-time. Even if it just helps you ease into things and get over the initial change shock.

7 questions to ask if you're considering a hybrid workplace


Lives have changed irrevocably since the start of the pandemic. For many people, that may also mean that priorities have shifted in terms of what they look for in an employer. Which could be problematic, especially if their current role doesn’t align.

The good news, however, is that jobs are booming, indicating that candidates now hold the cards when it comes to finding work.

So whether you’re looking for a more flexible working arrangement, the ability to work from home every week, or just want to find something better after 18 months of doom and gloom, there are thousands of great jobs out there.

Happy With What You Have Poster - Happy with what you have quote - desenio.com.au

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